Our components (microcontroller, sensor, data transmitter, ...) need to be tested before the first creating of our group prototype. Furthermore, by evaluating components efficiency and quality, we can avoid damaging circuit which can cause an interruption during the whole process.
1/ Mini-Arduino Pro 5v with UART connections
Mini-Arduino usually comes with individually without a USB breakout. In order to run codes and work on the microcontroller, we need to ensure communication between Arduino to Computer via UART connections.
2/ Temperature sensor
The DS18B20 waterproof sensor is connecting and communicating with Arduino through Digital Pins, the measurable temperature can be around -55°C to +125. All data can be read by sending a sequence of data with only one wire.
3/ Pulse sensor
SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate sensor is a combination of MAX30101 biometric sensor and MAX 32664 biometric hub which can communicate with Arduino using the I2C method. This chip provides algorithmic calculations, digital filtering, pressure compensation, R-wave detection, and automatic gain control which opens many possibilities in this project.