After the meeting with Kees, we had more clarity and a direction to work towards. We have made together a to-do list, which must be done. Everyone does something and what they like. Use Trello to get an overview of what everyone is doing and going to do.
360 Visuals + kinect (2D)
- Jurian
- Nina
Brand creation (flyers/posters)
Bracelet design
- Nina
- Marije
- Jurian
Product video
- Jurian
- Andro
- Marije
Research (target group)
- Andro
- Marije
- Devin
- Minh
- David
- Vincent
- Andro
- Minh
Physical computing
- Andro
- Marije
- Minh
- Nina
Machine learning
- Vincent
Music theory
- David
- Andro
- Minh